Arabs in the front line with YPG

ANF – RABIA 07.08.2014 Arab youths from the Shammar tribe have been fighting in the front line with the YPG in clashes with ISIS gangs in the town of Rabia on the border of West Kurdistan (Rojava) since the beginning of August. After the YPG liberated the town...

Latest situation in Sinjar

The clashes that began after the YPG intervened following the seizing of Sinjar by ISIS and the human tragedy in the mountains of Sinjar are now in their 4th day. ISIS gangs are reported to have suffered casualties in clashes with the Sinjar Resistance Units in the...

It should by now be clear beyond doubt for spectators within the international community that there is indeed a struggle in the Middle-east carried out on one side by people that are demanding democracy, freedom and the right to a decent life and on the other side by...

Why is Sinjar important? HALIT ERMIS

With the ISIS gangs’ assault on Sinjar attacks on the Kurdish people in Rojava have gained a new dimension. By capturing Sinjar ISIS wants to open a corridor through Tal Afar in order to create a new front for attacks on Rojava. After taking Mosul ISIS gangs...

Kurdishinfo.Com : News & Information About Kurds and Kurdistan

INDEX •    Lift The Ban on PKK! Show Your Support By Joining The Signature Campaign! •    KCK calls on people to vote for Demirtas •    KNK condemns expulsion of Christians from Mosul •    Syriacs call for joint struggle against ISIS savagery •    Woman from Rojava...