After Cizîre, Kobanê Canton has been declared

The Kobanê Canton Democratic Autonomous Administration Legislative Assembly met today at 9 am in the Kobanê Culture and Art Centre and declared autonomy. The assembly meeting began with a minute’s silence for those who have lost their lives in the...

Kurdish women fight for equality in Syria, Erika Solomon

At a remote Kurdish militia base on the grassy rolling hills near Syria’s border with Iraq, the stocky 19-year-old jumps and crawls with rows of women in olive green fatigues. Their commander barks an order, and they take position and aim their Kalashnikovs.The...

Celebrating the new Kurdish autonomous government in Syria!

While the Syrian government, the Western-backed Syrian ‘opposition’ and regional and international players continue to wrangle over the future of Syria without the genuine input of people most affected by the conflict, the people of Rojava, Syrian...

Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) : International Appeal

The Kurds in Syria have always declared their support for all such international efforts. The Kurdish people are struggling for the right to live freely with their own identity in a democratic Syria. The Kurds in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) have neither succumbed to the...