Alarm cry from the Turkish Bar Association

The association called on the Secretary General of the Council of Europe to take action about “statements made by the Turkish government that raise tensions and escalate violence and the bad treatment of people by the authorities and the security forces.”...

Women conference in Diyarbakir

“Jin, Jiyan, Azadi!” (Woman, Life, Freedom) as the conference has been called will be opened by speeches by Fatma Kasan (DÖKH Democratic Freewomen’s Movement activist), Aysel Tugluk (DTK Democratic Society Congress Co-Chair), Gültan Kisanak...

News Briefing Regarding The News and Events in West Kurdistan

  Details: 1. Attack against Efrin, Kobane and Tel Tamer are pre-planned. Qamishlo- The General Command of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) issued a statement to the public opinion. They confirmed that mercenary groups related to the Syrian Free Army...

President of PEN International

I would like to begin by conveying the greetings of writers, intellectuals and people with free pens from Kurdistan to your kind attention. I believe you have been aware that the Kurdish PEN Congress was held in Amed (Diyarbakir) on 18-19 May 2013, which resulted in...