An Urgent Message to All Friends

Gentlemen,There is no doubt that you are following  the situation and developments in Syria, but unfortunately the  aspect/ side which is not treated frequently in the media is the side regarding Kurdish people  and the plays which targeting their...

The iraq – kurdish military stand off: and the winner is…

The recent military standoff between forces from the semi-autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan and the central government in Baghdad over disputed territory has further exposed the tensions between the region’s president, Massoud Barzani, and the Iraqi prime...

Kurdish mayor in Turkey confronts PM Erdogan, Ayla Jean Yackley

Seven years later, Baydemir, shaking with anger, blames Erdogan’s government for the worst fighting between the army and Kurdish rebels in years. Raising the stakes in his confrontation with Ankara, he has joined a hunger strike by Kurdish prisoners....

Schulz on the situation of hunger strikers in Turkey

Brussels – 13 November 2012 President Schulz stated: “I follow with concern the hunger strike of jailed Kurdish prisoners, among them elected officials, and of Members of Parliament in Turkey. My immediate concern is for the health of those undertaking...

Behind the Kurdish Hunger Strike in Turkey, by Jake Hess

For more on ties between Kurds in Syria and Turkey, see Denise Natali, “Syrian Kurdish Cards <> ,” Middle East Report Online, March 20, 2012. For more on the 2010 referendum, see Asli Bali, “Unpacking...