Special Analysis on General Election in Turkey

NALYSIS (H. A)The AKP (Justice and Development Party) has increased its votes and led the race in the election. The fact that the AKP has won the election following a campaign where it defended capital punishment is an indication of the public’s mentality in...

For Kurdish social and cultural rights in Turkey

The process is designed to strengthen collaboration between State and civil society actors around human rights promotion and protection. In advance of this review, Kurdish Human Rights Project (KHRP) had raised a number of concerns about Turkey’s compliance...

Two poems and an album on the struggle in Kurdistan : Sherko Bekas

SeparationIf from my poems You wrench away the flower. From the four seasons of my poetry One of my seasons will die. If you exclude love Two of my seasons will die. If you exclude bread Three of my seasons will die. And if you take away freedom All four seasons and I...

New York times: Article about Kurds in Turkey!

These days hundreds of CDs featuring Kurdish pop singers fill one of the long walls in the small, shoebox-shaped Vizyon Muzik. The discs face a few dozen Turkish ones. Abdulvahap Ciftci, the 25-year-old Kurd who runs the place, told me one sunny morning not long ago...