Turkey: 30 months imprisonment for saying “Mr” Ocalan

Mr. Necdet Atalaye the mayor of Batman, a Kurdish city in southeast Turkey, was given 30 months imprisonments for saying “Mr” Ocalan, referring to Kurdish imprisoned leader, report said on Tuesday.The mayor of Batman was given 30 months imprisonments...

Songul Karabulut Speech on 7th INternational EUTCC Conference

 The 7th of the chain of conferences organised by EUTCC (European Union Turkey Civic Commission) at the EP, based on the “Issue of Turkey and Kurdish Question in the Process of EU membership”, has formed a tradition and acquired a significant...

Rights of children violated despite new Anti-Terror Law amendment

 According to the revised TMK, children will not receive prison sentences for attending political demonstrations or protests unless they use firearms at the event in question.Over the past 25 days, police have arrested 15 children in Mersin alone. Eyüp Sabri...

Turkish and Iranian army bombed Kurdistan during “Qurban Fest”

Although the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) has declared unilateral ceasefire and in its latest declaration for a peaceful settlement reiterated its willingness for a political solution to the Kurdish issue, the Iranian regime is carrying our military operation...

Imprisoned lawyer Erbey, elected as vice-chair of the IHD

IHD Diyarbakir Branch Chief Lawyer Muharrem Erbey, who is under arrest in the frame of KCK case, was assigned the Chair Assistant role in the meeting, where distributions of works were organized.The IHD Administration leaded by Öztürk Türkdogan, who was...