Zeyneb Celaliyan at a critical condition in Iran prison

Zeyneb Celaliyan 27 year old from the city of Maku of Eastern Kurdistan was sentenced to death and has been subjected to unbearable excruciation ever since. Celalyan was arrested in Kermanshah for her alleged involvement in the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK). She...

Turkish and Iranian army bombed Kurdistan during “Qurban Fest”

Although the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) has declared unilateral ceasefire and in its latest declaration for a peaceful settlement reiterated its willingness for a political solution to the Kurdish issue, the Iranian regime is carrying our military operation...

In courts forbidden: Kurds will speak Kurdish!

In response to that, around 95 municipalities, political and popular entities in Turkey’s Kurdistan have decided to take part in the campaign. The court in Diyarbakir, or Amed as known among the Kurds, described Kurdish “the so-called Kurdish...

Zeyneb Celalyan at a critical condition in Iran prison

Miss. Zeyneb Celalyan 27 year old from the city of Maku of Eastern Kurdistan was sentenced to death and has been subjected to unbearable excruciation ever since.Celalyan was arrested in Kermanshah for her alleged involvement in the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK)....

Iraqi President Supports Assyrian Autonomous Region

Talabani said in an interview with French television channel during his visit to Paris to participate in the Conference of the Socialist International that "there are areas where Christians are the majority in Iraq, and we do not oppose the formation of a...