About Muharrem Erbey

This letter is a call for releasement of the Kurdish lawyer, author and the human rightsactivist and the representative of a prominent human right organization Muharrem Erbey.Muharrem Erbey was jailed in December 2009 and has since then been hidden and placed inthe...

The End to a Long Conflict? Owen Matthews

After 36 years and more than 40,000 deaths, one of the world’s bloodiest and longest-running insurgencies—the separatist struggle of Turkey’s Kurds—could soon be over. Last week Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan hinted that his...

Noam Chomsky points North Ireland model for Kurdish problem

Noam Chomsky says the North Ireland peace process can be a model for solution of the Kurdish problem. Chomsky — a world-renowned linguist and professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology — Richard Falk and other academics, intellectuals and...

“Closing Roj TV is the same as closing DTP”

“Closing Roj TV is the same as closing DTP” said Co-Chairs of DTP and condemned the pressures on Roj TV. They also called on Kurdish people for solidarity with Roj TV as the most watched TV channel in the Region. There was another call made by them on the...

5 Children Arrested for School Boycott Campaign

Ayhan Demirel, Tutak district chairman of the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), and five children were arrested by the police when they were handing out leaflets related to the school boycott campaign initiated in the Kurdish-majority region of...