Ankara using chemical weapons on PKK?

Human-rights activists in Turkey have published photos they say show the burned and maimed bodies of eight members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, killed allegedly by chemical weapons.Forensics examiners at the Hamburg University Hospital said the...

The Right of _ations to Determine Their Own Future and the Kurds

Jurisprudence and Society in Our TimeThe Kurdish or Kurdistan question is the most important issue that Turkey faces today. What shapes Turkey’s foreign, domestic and economic policies is the Kurdish question.President Abdullah Gul in the summer of 2009...

The Army also dominates, through OYAK, the country’s economy

Already boasting of its fame as the most privileged army in the world with far-reaching connections in the economy, the TSK is running a center that commands economic assets amounting to $50 billion. OYAK has now grown into a giant holding incorporating 60 companies...

Two Kurds arrested in Aleppo, Syria

 • Ahmed Mohamed Ali Qalij, born1986, from Afrin village. He is a fourth-year student at the School of Journalism in University of Damascus.• Mustafa Mohammed Shekho, born 1970, from Afrin, a father of two daughters.These two men have been...