CHAK gave human rights award to Berîvan Sayaca

Kurdish children that Most of them were detained for taking part in anti-government protests. Theyjailed in Turkey under anti-terror law without caring of international agreement of the childrenrights. The turkish security forces as the do always have been far from...

Turkey’s inhumane treatment of Kurdish children must be stopped

The crimes that these children were considered to commit, was making victory signs withtheir fingers and to take part in various demonstrations , which in fact was approved by thestate itself. Also shouting slogans, participate in funeral ceremonies with their faces...

3 000 Kurdish children are imprisoned in Turkey

More than 5 000 Kurdish children have been prosecuted in Turkey and nearly 3 000 childrenare currently imprisoned. Children have been convicted in adult courts of crimes includingthat of being member of illegal armed groups and parties, although they were only...

10 arrested as trial begins in Turkey for Habur returnees

The group, comprising eight members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, and 26 residents of the Makhmour refugee camp in northern Iraq, returned to Turkey as part of the government’s democratic initiative to resolve the Kurdish issue in the...

Ten Kurdish Peace Delegates Arrested

Upon hearing the news of the arrests, protest demonstrations were immediately started all over Turkey.The first hearing of 17 members of the BDCG started in early hours in Diyarbakir. The BDCG members, who had come back to Turkey from Quandil and Maxmur to show their...