“the democratic process in Turkey”

Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I want to thank honourable Members, first of all, for a very serious and substantive debate on the democratic process in Turkey, and I also want this evening to thank the European Parliament for its...

A Kurd Returns His Estates to 1915 Assyrian Genocide Victims

During a ceremony to be held that day at the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm, Boti will rend all of his estates to Mr. Sabri Atman, president of Seyfo Center, an Assyrian insitution workig for the recognition of the 1915 Genocide of Assyrians and Armenians.Seyfo...

Turkey Debates the Village Guard System

Funeral services following the attacks in Turkey’s Mardin province.In last week’s bloodbath at an engagement party, masked gunmen armed with assault rifles killed 44 people including the bride and the groom in a small village in Turkey’s southeastern...

“the democratic process in Turkey”

Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission (at 21h46, 05/05/2009). – Madam President, I am afraid we may have the same passion in this discussion on democracy in Turkey as we had on the wine reform during the second half of Arsenal v Manchester United, which is a...

The Kurds in Syria: Fueling Separatist Movements in the Region?

-Kurds in Syria have been denied basic social, cultural, and political rights, in many cases stemming from the Syrian state’s refusal to grant citizenship. -Kurdish political opposition in Syria is fractured. Though some join Kurds in other countries in calling...