‘Anti-PKK operations not connected to DTP closure case’

During raids in a number of Turkish cities over the past week, around 100 people, including members of the pro-Kurdish DTP, were arrested for alleged ties to the separatist PKK. Officials said the raids and arrests were the culmination of a year-long investigation...

Turkey’s new wave of repression must be resisted

On 17 April it was reported that Turkish police had carried out raids in places from Izmir in the west to Batman in the south-east and the capital Ankara. Some 43 people were reportedly arrested for alleged links with the PKK. This was the second wave of arrests in...

Tripartite meeting in Baghdad aims to counter PKK

The Turkish delegation is led by Interior Minister Besir Atalay, while the Iraqi delegation is headed by State and National Security Minister Shirwan Al-Waili. During his resent visit to Turkey, US President Barack Obama promised that the US would continue to...

Belgium delegation, By Nina Henkens*

A Belgium delegation has recently visited Kurdistan part of Turkey. Nina Henkens from Beweging voor Kinderen Zonder Papieren (Movement for Undocumented Children) was amongst them who observed the Turkish-Kurdish local election on the 29th of March 2009. The Belgium...