The Dream of a Kurdish State, By Hewa Aziz

The Kurds established the principalities of Baban in Sulaimaniyah, Ardalan and Botan, and later founded the province of Sharazor, the capital of which was Kirkuk, and Mosul and other cities.The idea of establishing an independent Kurdish state was not a priority for...

President Obama Misses Fundamental Kurdish Issues in Turkey

The recent visit of President Obama to Turkey and his speech to the Turkish parliament needs a response from American supporters of Kurdish parties and the Kurdish national movement within Turkey. When the President met with the Democratic Society Party (DTP) and...

Human rights violations of Kurdish children, Nina Henkens

The mission of our delegation was not only to observe the electoral proces but also to learn about the human rights situation in South-East Turkey. As we all know, the Turkish state comitted and commits some serious human rights violations towards the Kurdish people....

DTP Has Proven That It Represents Kurds

1. Kurds are not happy about the government’s approach to the Kurdish question.2. The Democratic Society Party (DTP) is the primary actor in the Kurdish question.Yegen is a member of the Turkish Peace Parliament and author of books and articles on Turkish...