Iran: Kurdish political prisoners on hunger strike

Kurdish political prisoners on hunger strikeProtest against inhuman conditions in the prisons of the Islamic Republic ofIranAccording to information received by the Society for Threatened Peoples(GfbV) several hundred Kurdish political prisoners have been on...

Eastern Kurdistan

In support of Kurdish political prisoners refuse to local shopkeepers in Mahabad to open their shops. The state security forces SSF – the mullahs suppressive regime and local staff in the Ministry of Intelligence and Security MOIS attacked shopkeepers and...

Kurdistan, In the Shadow of History.

Consider first this story: During World War II, Archibald Roosevelt, the grandson of Theodore and cousin of Franklin, was serving as an intelligence officer in Iraq and Iran. In the hinterlands he encountered the Kurds, and like many Westerners was smitten with this...

Azerbaijanis, Arabs, Turkmen and other ethnic minorities

After two world wars and millions of lives sacrificed during the first half of 20th century, European nations have formed the largest and greatest union to promote coexistence and peace based on mutual respect, human rights, freedom and democracy.  ...


http://rastibini. blogspot. com/2008/ 08/jitems- black-face. html"Beginning on 14 January 1994, almost a hundred people were individually picked up by commandos wearing uniforms and travelling in police vehicles. They were then killed somewhere along the road...