Greetings from a marginal country

The internationally recognised image of Turkey is one of touristic indulgences, whirling dervishes and successful secularism. Within this idealised representation the status of the Kurds is lost. This is not only the case in the international version but also extends...

Taking the Lead on Iraqi Oil

The Wall Street Journal 6 Oct 07 COMMENTARY Taking the Lead on Iraqi Oil By NECHIRVAN BARZANI This August, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq passed an oil and gas law to regulate the oil sector in our region. So far, we have signed eight...

Watch the Sunni Tribes

When U.S. Army officers try to explain the challenge of rebuilding Iraq, they often talk about the three different time pieces they’re working with: Washington’s is a stop watch, where every second longer we stay in Iraq is a problem; the Iraqi Shiite-led...

Letter From Baghdad

Scene 1: I went on a patrol that visited a U.S. Army platoon based in the Ameriya neighborhood of Baghdad, alongside the "Ameriya Knights," who, as Gen. David Petraeus put it to me, "are not a rugby team." Ameriya is a Sunni neighborhood that had...

The Kurdish Secret

Iraq today is a land of contrasts – mostly black and blacker. Traveling around the central Baghdad area the past few days, I saw little that really gave me hope that the different Iraqi sects can forge a social contract to live together. The only sliver of...