Turkey deports foreigners working with Syrian refugees

Published by The Washington Post on 26th of April 2017   By Karen DeYoung and Kareem Fahim April 26 The Turkish government this week deported foreigners working with Syrian refugees at a leading U.S.-based aid organization, part of what appears to be an ongoing...

Kurds demand no-fly zone in Syrian Kurdistan after Turkish airstrike

Published by EKurd Daily on 27 April 2017 QAMISHLO, Syrian Kurdistan,— Fighting erupted on Wednesday along Syria’s Kurdish northeastern border between Turkish forces and Kurdish militiamen, as tensions boiled over in the aftermath of deadly Turkish air strikes the...

Heavy clashes hit Rojava as Syrian Kurds respond to Turkish attacks

Published by ARA News on April 27, 2017 Artillery of the Turkish army on Wednesday hit the Kurdish town of Derbassiye in Syria’s northeastern Hasakah province, shutting down the road between Derbassiye and Serikaniye. Furthermore, clashes broke out between Kurdish...

Ms Burcu Çelik, HDP Deputy for Mus, is jailed (HDP statement)

Dear friends, President Erdoğan and the AKP government have launched a new wave of repression against our party immediately after the controversial referendum on 16 April 2017, which, according to the OSCE/ODIHR’s observation mission, did not meet the standards of the...