Pro-Erdoğan association head calls on supporters to take up arms

Published by Turkey Purge on October 20, 2016 The chairman of Ottoman Hearths 1453, Emin Canpolat, has called on all supporters of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to take up arms in the event of a second coup attempt in...

Syrian Kurds say they are ready for Raqqa operation

Published by ARA News on October 27, 2016 US Secretary for Defence Ashton Carter said that the battle for Raqqa would start within weeks, and Syrian Kurds confirmed they are ready to join the offensive on the Islamic State’s (ISIS) capital. Aldar Xelil, a member of...

Press Release: Turkish attack on Kurdish municipalities

October 26, 2016 The capture of Kurdish mayors is an attack on Kurdish democratic self-rule. It has been a long time that the AKP government (R.T. Erdogan), epitomising the Turkish state and the classic politics of the Turkish Republic, has launched a multi-faceted...