Zaman newspaper: Seized Turkish daily ‘now pro-government’

Image copyrightEPAImage captionThe picture, taken by Zaman, appears to show a wounded woman outside the newspaper offices on SaturdayPublished by BBC News 06 March 2016 Turkey’s biggest newspaper, Zaman, has published an edition carrying pro-government articles,...

The Murder of a Newspaper

Published by P24 06 March 2016 The seizure of Zaman returns Turkey to the politics of revenge: Is the EU prepared to put expediency above principle? On Friday night, security forces stormed Zaman, the widest-circulating Turkish newspaper. Though many Turkish news...

Do not allow a new Rwanda, Vukovar and Srebrenica in Kurdistan

“You remember Srebrenica? Vukovar? and Rwanda?” Twenty years ago when Ratko Mladic’s army of murderers rounded up the men and boys in Srebrenica and systematically slaughtered them, the world did nothing. Nobody did anything about the thugs on the hills overlooking...

Turkey’s AKP forms plans for stronger presidency

Published by Reuters 4 March 2016 Changes to Turkey’s constitution envisaged by the ruling AK Party could hand President Tayyip Erdogan new powers to draft legislation directly and pick ministers, senior officials said, moves opponents fear could entrench...

Published by Kurdish Question 1 March 2016 ANF – News Desk The International Criminal Court (ICC) has responded to the Hewler-based Kurdish Women’s Relations Office (Navenda Pêwendiyan a Jinên Kurd – REPAK) on their appeal for action against the war crimes...