Kurdish MP on hunger strike prepared to “protest to the death”

Imprisoned HDP MP Leyla Güven is in critical condition after 68 days of hunger strike to demand an end to the isolation of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. Her pulse is between 55-60, while her blood pressure is about 5-7. She can’t receive liquids any longer,...
Press Release: Turkey’s attack on Rojava resuscitates ISIS

Press Release: Turkey’s attack on Rojava resuscitates ISIS

December 13, 2018 The Turkish state’s hostility towards the Kurdish people and its threats against Rojava continue. On December 12, 2018, the Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, during his speech at a meeting with the defense industry, declared the following: “Whilst we...
PKK’s inclusion in EU Terror Organisations not motivated enough

PKK’s inclusion in EU Terror Organisations not motivated enough

The Court of Justice argued that the arguments to include the PKK in the European Union Terror Organisations List were not sufficient. The case against the inclusion of the PKK in the the European Union List of Terror Organizations which is renewed every 6 months,...