Turkey: Young Kurdish singer Nûdem Durak imprisoned

Al Jazeera has published a video by a Turkish-Kurdish filmmaker about the Kurdish singer Nûdem Durak. The singer’s future is uncertain, because the Turkish government allegedly has convicted her to 10.5 years imprisonment for “promoting Kurdish propaganda”, according...

Rome Declares Kobane ‘Sister City’

05 April 2015 – ANF – Amed Published by Kurdish Question The Municipality of Rome has taken the decision to recognise Kobanê municipality as a ‘sister city’. Councillor Gianluca Peciola said the resistance put up by the people of the city and the new...

Iraq’s Kurds win own seat in future talks at European Union

Published by Rudaw, May 1, 2015 BRUSSELS, Belgium – The autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq will henceforth be allowed to attend high-level meetings between the European Union and Baghdad, according to an EU decision. “Now that we are...

Turkey’s electoral body rejects Kurdish complaint against Erdogan

Ekurd.net- May 6, 2015 ANKARA,— Turkey’s electoral commission has rejected a complaint from the Kurdish opposition that accused President Tayyip Erdogan of breaching the constitution with speeches backing the ruling AK Party ahead of a June election. The decision is...

Syrian Kurdistan’s PYD officially at UN talks

Ekurd.net – May 6, 2015 GENEVA,— UN special Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura has begun talks with Syrian opposition forces in Geneva as part of efforts to reach a solution to the crisis in the country. The PYD (Democratic Union Party) of Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava),...