CLRA passes resolution for Kobanê

The Bureau of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the European Council has issued a declaration demanding that all the means and needs be provided for the rebuilding of Kobanê, including a permanent corridor to be opened into the town.    ...

13 year sentence for lowering Turkish flag

Ömer Mutlu was given 13 years and 9 months in prison for lowering Turkish flag in Amed last year.             Ömer Mutlu has received a long prison sentence for lowering the Turkish flag at a Turkish Air Force base during a protest into...

One woman’s journey from prisoner to mayor – Amberin Zaman

Gultan Kisanak, now mayor of Diyarbakir, speaks with journalists after casting her ballot in Diyarbakir on March 30, 2014. (photo by ILYAS AKENGIN/AFP/Getty Images)   Gultan Kisanak is the first female mayor of the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, which is widely...

Rojava Goes To The Polls

Voters in 12 cities across the Cizîrê Canton of Rojava went to the polls yesterday in order to elect municipal councils, explains an article in Özgür Gündem. Polls opened at 8:00 AM local time and voters were able to cast their ballots until 08:00 in the evening. 160...
Newroz message Abdullah Öcalan

Newroz message Abdullah Öcalan

Abdullah Ocalan, Imrali Island Prison 21st March 2015 TO ALL OUR PEOPLE; I am greeting the Newroz of all our people and friends who are on the side of peace, equality, freedom and democracy. The crisis caused by neoliberal policies imposed on the whole world by...