Öcalan’s letter to the Armenian people

Öcalan remarked that wars and clashes throughout history have reached the utmost level today than ever, aiming at destroying  humanity and nature. The Kurdish leader pointed out that the massacre project carried into effect against the Armenian people early...

Charter of the social contract in Rojava (Syria)

Preface : We the peoples of the areas of self-administration of Democratic Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians (Assyrian Chaldeans, Arameans), Turkmen, Armenians, and Chechens, by our free will have  announced this to materialize justice, freedom and democracy in...

Turkish MPs endorse internet control law

Turkey’s parliament has adopted a new Internet bill roundly criticised as an assault by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on freedom of expression, access to information and investigative journalism. After hours of debate, the measures were adopted late on...

To the German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Dear Mrs. Angela Merkel,The Society for Threatened Peoples urgently appeals to you to address the situation of Kurds and Christians in need to the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan when meeting with him on Tuesday February 4th, 2014. Please ask him to open...