One rule for Balbay, one rule for BDP deputies

The court said: “Since it is not possible to draw a direct or indirect link between the Constitutional Court’s judgment regarding Mustafa Balbay and the accused on trial in our court it has been decided to reject the request by the defence counsel for...

One rule for Balbay, one rule for BDP deputies

The court said: “Since it is not possible to draw a direct or indirect link between the Constitutional Court’s judgment regarding Mustafa Balbay and the accused on trial in our court it has been decided to reject the request by the defence counsel for...

Suspects arrested for murder of journalist Kawa (KRG)

According to a report published in ‘Awene’ Newspaper (where Kawa worked as a correspondent), four out of five of the gang have been arrested, all of whom are close to a high-ranking PUK official. At least two of them are serving members of the security...

News Briefing Regarding Events in West Kurdistan (Northern Syria)

Details: The biggest snowstorm in 30 years hits Rojava  Since last Wednesday several cities in Rojava have been exposed to a major snowstorm. It’s been reported that from some places that the ground has been covered with up to 50 cm of snow. This has caused...

International Appeal for peace in Syria!

  We support the peace efforts initiated towards ending the war in Syria. This war has been going on for almost three years, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people, the displacement of millions more and the destruction of the country. To achieve an end to...