Save Roj TV – independent voice of the Kurds

  1 August 2013 The Danish District Supreme Court took a shock decision on 3rd July to shut down and impose a hefty fine on Kurdish Roj TV and its parent company Mesopotamia Broadcasting accusing them of being guilty of inciting terrorism. The outcome of this...

Salaih Muslim visit to Turkey proficouos

Muslim added that there is a need for a provisional council in the territory controlled by Kurds in northern Syria, which could also include Arabs, Syriacs and Turkmens, to guarantee governance until the two-year-long conflict reaches a settlement. “By all...

Kurdish National Conference to gather within a month

The preliminary meeting in the city of Selahaddin was attended by representatives of 39 political parties and institutions from all four parts of Kurdistan. The meeting started with the opening speech of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Massoud Barzani...

PYD: News Briefing Regarding The News and Events in West Kurdistan

Details: 1. Salih Muslim: Kurdish parties supported the draft interim government in the western Kurdistan Co-chair of the Democratic Union Party PYD Salih Muslim said they discussed the draft of the interim government with all the Kurdish parties, especially with the...

PYD (Democratic Union Party): To the public opinion

In recent days events have come to light regarding the Syrian crisis, in particular the brutal military attacks by Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic state of Iraq- Al Sham affiliated to Al-Qaida in Tal Abyed and Kurdish areas. These planned attacks on the Kurdish towns and...