Nine Kurdish politicians sentenced to 60 years in prison

Nine Kurdish politicians, six under arrest, have been tried in KCK Hakkari case for more than 13 months now. Lawyers demanded the release of defendants, remarking that police had falsified the records of defendants’ phone conversations and that the counsel for...

Full Support from Turkey to Al Qaeda,Seyit Evran

Turkish authorities have not acknowledged any links with Al Qaeda despite the many documents and information to the contrary. The passports used by the three Tunisian Al Qaeda militants arrested by Afrin public security forces is further proof of this relationship....

Roj TV: The Victim of Turkey’s Political Game, Naila Bozo

The board rejected the embassy’s complaint but this was not the end; it was just the beginning of Turkey’s tenacious endeavors to close what they considered a mouthpiece for PKK. A timeline of the Roj TV case can be found here...

Northern Kurdistan Unity and Solution Conference (Amed)

Our Conference, in which representatives of various political, ethnic and religious groups participated in Amed [Diyarbakir] city on 15-16 June 2013, has taken historically significant decisions, and concluded successfully. We, representing all the different hues of...