Info. and Relations Centre Of Democratic Union Party

GIRKE LEGE: Kurdish Democratic Progressive Party in Syria Hold a meeting in the cityKurdish Democratic Progressive Party in Syria held yesterday an expanded meeting in the town of Girke lege  in order to dicuss the recent developments in the region.Ahmes Suleiman...

The Democratic Civil Alliance – DCA

This Alliance seeks to bring together all democratic forces and political parties that are opposed to tyranny and corruption, that reject sectarianism and violence, that rely on the notion, components and execution of the Syrian-based solution, and that accept...

Star Union Organization

The need for women to organize was crucial in order to collectively voice our rights and to claim our rightful place in society. Most important was the need for Kurdish women to claim independence and to gain recognition as equal members at home and active...

Rojhelat Info, 18/2/2013 – 24/2/13013

1. Iran reports death of a Revolutionary Guards commander inKurdish areaThe Washington Post reported, an Iranian semi-official news agency is reporting that acommander of the powerful Revolutionary Guards has been killed in the country’s Kurdishnorthwest.The...

KURDISH NEWS UPDATE, 18 February 2013

Kurdish demonstrators rallied in almost every major city in Turkey, protesting the 14th anniversary of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s arrival to Turkey in 1999 after a military operation led by the U.S. Local businesses except pharmacies and bakeries were...