Iranian security forces shot 2 civilian Kurds

Security forces opened fire on a civilian vehicle on Thursday night at around 22:00 with local time which burnt into flame wounding two civilians seriously.Serkewt Perwizi and Fwad Ibrahimi who were in the vehicle were both seriously wounded by the flame. They were...

Two Kurds disappeared since their arrests

According to local sources Mr. Makwan Keyxusrewi from Shoshme village of Pawe city was arrested on 30 September along with two other Kurds.After being detained for a period, the three were discharged. The following day of their release Mr. Makwan was re-arrested and...

Swedish MP meets PJAK guerrillas

 The Swedish newspaper Express referred to PJAK as a “terrorist” organisation and Evin Cetin was suspended from her organisation, Swedish Social Democrat Party.Both Express representation of PJAK and suspension of Evin Cetin from party rank were met...

EU Turkey Civic Commission

 The EUTCC calls upon the French authorities for the immediate release of Adem Uzun, a leading official of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) headquartered in Brussels. His arrest is clearly a political attempt to curry favor with the Turkish authorities who...

European Commission

The Commission’s 2012 Progress Report on Turkey highlights the successful launch of the positive agenda to support and to complement the accession negotiations, through enhanced cooperation in a number of areas of joint interest: political reforms, alignment...