Info and Relations Center Of Democratic Union Party

French News Source: First time in French media, unprecedented attention to a visit of Kurdish lead to FranceThe co-chair president of Democratic Union Party has arrived last night to the French capital Paris coming from Bon – Germany where he held there a...

44 journalists before a Turkish tribunal

I began journalism in the Republic of Turkey at the age of 16 years in Izmir on September 9, 1952 It was the first years of the Democrat Party’s power having promised a real democratization in the country. However, at that date, 184 personalities of whom many...

On The Ground Activities in Western Kurdistan

A s one of activities series undertaken by the democratic society movement in western Kurdistan to entrench the principle of democratic self-management and building of the popular councils in all villages and towns of western Kurdistan, Popular Council elections began...

‘Syrian Kurds’ fate will affect whole Middle East

DW: DW has met Kurdish fighters at checkpoints who claimed not to have fired a single shot. It’s difficult to believe given the increasing levels of violence in the rest of the country… Salih Muslim Muhammad: Believe it or not, this might be one the only...