Warning Signs for Kurds in Post-Assad Syria – Rudaw

KUNCWarning Signs for Kurds in Post-Assad SyriaRudawSince the start of the Syrian revolution, Kurds have not hesitated to join the movements against Bashar al-Assad's regime. The Kurdish struggle against the Baath party and Assad's regime did not begin...

Turkey: the ‘progressive’ land of repression

Ayça Çubukçu <http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/ayca-cubukcu> Sunday 11 December 2011              There is a growing disjuncture between those who promote modern-day Turkey as a...

A committee in solidarity with Ragip Zarakolu set up in Turkey

You know that, for a long time, we have been contemplating a working team to canalize any activities, campaigns, visits and so on concerning Rag?p Zarakolu’s arrestment from a single center in Turkey. In this connection, the Association of Turkish Publishers,...

Police’s Ridiculous Visit to Zarakolu’s Publishing House

They said: "We were informed that a press conference would be held here on the occasion of the anniversary of the publishing house’s destruction in 1978. We are here in order to protect Server Tanilli and Ragip Zarakolu who are supposed to speak at this...

Vote NO on Erdogan as Time magazine’s ‘Man of the Year’!

1. Voting no at the following link:http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2098471_2098472_2098512,00.html 2. Forwarding this email to your address book and asking your friends to vote NO and tell their friends to do the same3. Sharing this email...