BDP: we will not bend, should you arrest 10 thousands of us

Speaking at the group meeting, BDP Co-Chair Kisanak stated that “the boycott they continued till October 1st was made to show everyone that Turkey has gone off the rails. Kisanak called attention to the operations carried out under the name of KCK devoted to...

Stop arresting democraticly elected Kurdish politicians

Among the detainees are seven BDP Party Council members, 18 district chairs, co-chairs and administrators, up to 58 party members, institution administrators, city council members and Özgür Gündem (Free Agenda) newspaper’s editor Kazim Seker.In...

To EU Institution – To Press and Media

Time has come for the EU to remove the PKK from the terrorist list and pave the way for political peace talks!One of the long lasting conflicts in the Middle East is the Kurdish question in Turkey which continues to emerge at the core of nearly all unresolved...

PEN International

A great deal of thought and energy has gone into the drafting of these texts and it would be great if Centres could ensure that they are as widely known as possible. You may consider  among other activities :• sending copies to the embassies of the...

De Kerchove : “No Kurdish terror risk in EU”

EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove: “There is no Kurdish terror threat in the European soil”.According the European Security Services, the Kurdish organisations in Europe are active in the political sphere, but its not a terrorist...