Field report North Kurdistan (Diyarbakir), Nina Henkens

· Run up to elections (February-June) filled with violent clashes between pro-Kurdishprotestors (mostly children and young people) and security forces in Kurdish cities. Increasein military operations against PKK, also cross-border with Iraq. Large numbers of...

PJAK’s leader sent letters to German Authorities

Your Excellency the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Dear Angela MerkelThrough the media I have been informed that the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran has requested your government for my extradition to Iran. It should be noted that from...

Syria’s Kurds want Assad out, says Kurdish leader

Kurdish Democratic Union (KDU) leader Salih Muslim said that Syria’s Kurds have been calling for political and cultural rights over the past four decades – but now it’s time for Assad to go.

“The demonstrations and protests in Syria continue...


However, the report is founded on the ending of violence and endto the guerrilla struggle. Initially it is important to highlight the fact that this is a wrong approach because problems are not solved without demands beingmet. When demands are met then problems will...

Syrian-Kurds in Europe form opposition front

The formation of the Syrian Kurdish Parties Front – European Representation that brings together 11 political parties, was announced today in the German city of Dortmund following two days of inter-party talks. The front – whose self-defined mission is to...

Declaration of solidarity with Hatip Dicle

Hatip Dicle is, like all politicians of the electoral block for Labour, Democracy and Freedom, fully committed to the continuous work for a peaceful solution of the Kurdish question and the democratisation of Turkey. Therefore we are convinced that the recognition of...