Something rotten in the Czech state.

According to the topics that engage our journalists and editors in these days one could be forgiven thinking that there is nothing going on. Luckily, they have Anicka Skrlova and Karel Gott – otherwise they would need to invent them.A lot of space is given to...

“Modern-day Dreyfus” finally freed after decade-long ordeal

His supporters have compared it to the famous Dreyfus case of 100 years ago. On Tuesday, after almost 13 years of legal proceedings and 31 months spent in custody, a Prague court of appeal finally cleared Kurdish doctor and businessman Yekta Uzunoglu of all the...

The Czech state is not a rule- of- law- state

That is the only conclusion I could muster after reading the book "Yekta Uzunoglu: Testimony". Uzunoglu, a medical doctor, describes in it his thirteen years long struggle with the Czech courts, politicians, investigators, and the police. He suffered almost...

31 Baloch killed in the last 30 days in Iran, Reza Hossein Borr

The Iranian government recently issued a directive in which the public relations departments of different government organizations and the news media were ordered to show the strength of the security forces in their dealings with the Baluch insurgents.  It...

Yezidis situation in Kurdistan

YEZIDISProfileAll Yezidis are ethnically and linguistically (Kirmanji) Kurdish. The estimated 650,000 Yezidis are concentrated in Jabal Sinjar, 150 kilometres west of Mosul, with a smaller community in Shaikhan, the Kurdistan foothills east of Mosul, where their most...

Yezidis situation in Kurdistan

Serhan Isa Born in 1974 in South Kurdistan. After high school he began to write poems. In 1997 came his first poem collection "longing" out, then came "mourning pink" out in 2001. In 1993 he formed and a part of Yezidis intellectuals’...