EU looking positively for Armenia’s progress

Ararat News -Publishing (ANP) – Roni Alasor, 7/11/2008 / Brussels – According a joint statement by President of the European Commission, José Manuel BARROSO, and President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh SARGSYAN, both President highlighted...

Norwegian human rights lawyer refused entry into Turkey

2008-11-12   Norwegian human rights lawyer and Member of the EU Turkey Civic Commission refused entry into TurkeyArarat News -Publishing (ANP) – Roni Alasor, 10/11/2008 / Brussels – The Norwegian human rights lawyer and member of the EU Turkey...

Iranian Security forces killed a 4 years old Kurdish boy

The military forces of Islamic republic exercised a military manoeuvre in Dalaho and Sare Pole Zahab region of Iranian Kurdistan. During manoeuvre the security forces shoot a 4 years Kurdish baby who death immediately after being shoot.According to news received by...

The DTP’s political revolt in Turkey: Stolen generations

* 09/11/2008Many Kurdish people are sick and tired of the Turkish government’s hypocritical policies and its blaming the Kurds for everything, but never accepting any responsibility for the Turkish dirty war and racist policies in southeastern Turkey. Not long...

Agar On Trial For Susurluk Conspiracy After 12 Years

Bia news center – Ankara 10-11-2008Former head of the police department Mehmet Agar’s trial for its involvement in Susurluk conspiracy will start at Ankara’s 3rd High Criminal Court tomorrow (November 11). Agar had lost his immunity from...