A trial of strength with Ergenekon

All of the national daily newspapers published in Turkey dedicated a special place on their front pages on Monday to the trial of people suspected of membership in Ergenekon, a criminal network with ties to the state. Headlines and titles were similar: "Trial of...

Hasso H. Osman, Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution in the media

Unfortunately the content of the Article 140 has been underestimated through the many articles usually and frequently not objectively written, by who don’t distinguish this Article from another constitutional Articles, and contain wrong interpretations and...

Turkey and Secularism: Myth or Reality?

If we concentrate on the founding father of modern day Turkey, Ataturk, then it is clear that he himself supported the destruction of Christianity via the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek Christian genocide of 1915. Turkish nationalism was the potent force behind modern...

Turkish police hold scores in Kurdish demonstrations

Dozens of people were detained in two cities in largely Kurdish southeastern Turkey.In Diyarbakir, the largest city in the region, more than 5,000 slogan-chanting demonstrators protested. Police did not initially react but charged when they were attacked with stones....

Turkish democracy at a standstill after anti-terror compromise

Such compromises in the past have led to the weakening of the political leadership while strengthening the political power of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).Turkish security analysts compared Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s defense of Gen. Ilker Basbug,...