The PKK and Kirkuk

The regions of the Middle East, East Europe, and Caucasia are focal points for international contention. The war in Iraq, the conflict between Georgia and Russia, the row over Iran’s nuclear program, and the missile defense system deal signed this week between...

A state called Kurdistan?, David Romano

But a viable independent state could realistically still be decades awaOne of Iraq’s worst kept secrets is that Iraqi Kurds want an independent state. Whitehall included the Kurds of what was then the Mosul villayet (province) of the Ottoman Empire into its...

Kurdish human rights worker and correspondent for the Society for

The Syrian Kurdish human rights worker and correspondent for the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV), Maschal Tamo, was arrested in the early hours of Friday morning. His relatives have been refused all information as to where the spokesperson for the Kurdish...

Back to square one

A sharp rise in attacks by the separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has increased pressure on the Turkish government. On Monday, nine Turkish soldiers were killed by a PKK mine near the village of Sariyazi in the province of Erzincan in eastern Anatolia in...

Anniversary of the dreadful attack at Sinjar (14.08.2007)

The Yezidi living in Germany are commemorating this Saturday in Lollar near Giessen the victims of the dreadful attack at Sinjar in the north-west of Iraq, in which one year ago 336 Yezidi were killed and 1000 families made homeless. The Society of the Yezidi living...

Kurdish Rebels Claim Responsibility for Turkey Pipeline Blast

Kurdish rebels have claimed responsibility for an explosion that sparked a fire, disrupting oil flow on the Turkish section of a pipeline that is a major supplier of oil to the West.  The Kurdish news agency Firat Thursday said the Kurdistan Workers Party, or...