Turkish court documents reveal new details about IS operations

Published by Al-Monitor, 21 July 2016 DIYARBAKIR, Turkey — Diyarbakir was the venue of two important events linked to the Islamic State (IS) in the past 12 months. On June 5, 2015, a bomb blast at a pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) rally killed four people....

Turkey Could Be Taking A Big Step Backwards In Human Rights

Published by TIME, 22 July 2016 The coup should not be used as a pretext for rolling back human rights It’s rush hour on Istanbul’s Bosphorus Bridge. Queues of cars jostle for position, the noise of horns fills the air, a young man selling Turkish flags weaves through...

Injured but not out of action: Rojava’s Mala Birîndara

Written by: Anna Davies and Rêvan Kobanê Anna Davies is working in Rojava on different medical and psychological projects in collaboration with the Kurdish Institute. We are writing this article as two Europeans who are living and working in Rojava. One of us has...

Hassaka Attack Shows How Brutal the ISIS Is! (statement KNK)

Tuesday July the 5th, was the last day of the Muslim month of Ramadan and on which usually is a day for making preparations for the Ramadan feast, the ISIS terrorists managed again to kill tens of civilians (22) and injure many more in a terrorist attack. The attacker...