Is it not time to call a halt to Erdogan’s fascism?

The Turkish state and its President R. T. Erdogan are speedily heading towards a one-man system, or in other words: The Hitler model. The Turkish oligarchy, entrenched by a fascistic mentality, is conducting a policy of destruction, annihilation and looting in...

Democracy After pre-vote, AKP still short on Turkey immunity bill

Published by Deutsche Welle 18 May 2016 Turkey’s parliament is looking ahead to a bitter vote on stripping MPs of immunity. The bill, which has led MPs to fisticuffs in the past, passed a preliminary vote with a large majority in the legislature late Tuesday....

Will Turkey let UN officials snoop in the southeast?

Published by Al-Monitor 17 May 2016 Turkey’s US and European allies continue to maintain a near silence over the country’s steady descent into a human rights nightmare, even as respected global watchdogs chronicle the abuses taking place there on an almost daily...

Student in Turkey accused of terror propaganda for speaking Kurdish

Published by Rudaw 14 May 2016 ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A Kurdish college student was kicked out of her hostel, lost her scholarship, and was questioned by the police on terrorism charges after being heard speaking in Kurdish on the phone. Twenty-year old Pinar...