MEPs: We will continue to make efforts for delisting of PKK

This article was posted on Bestanews on February 16, 2016. 102 members of the European Parliament have launched a signature campaign calling on the European Union to remove the PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party) from the list of terrorist organizations. Two...

Kurds’ advance in Syria divides U.S. and Turkey as Russia bombs

By Daren Butler. This article was published by Reuters on February 17, 2016. The rapid advance of U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters in northern Syria, taking advantage of Russian air strikes to seize territory near the Turkish border, has infuriated Ankara and threatened...

How the Toxic Patriarchy of War Plays out on Kurdish Women’s Bodies

Published by Research Turkey 15 February 2016 How the Toxic Patriarchy of War Plays out on Kurdish Women’s Bodies “What is naked today is not the body of a woman whom they have slaughtered but the very understanding of the government of war itself.” Figen Yüksekdağ A...

Turkey defied international calls, renews shelling of Kurds in Syria

This article was published on Ekurd Daily on February 15, 2015. BEIRUT — Turkey defied international calls and shelled parts of northern Syria for a third day on Monday, insisting it would not allow Kurdish-led forces to seize key areas along the border. The renewed...

Kurdish-led Syrian forces seize Islamist-held rebel town

    Published by Ekurd 16 February 2016 BEIRUT,— Kurdish-led forces on Monday seized a key rebel bastion in Syria’s Aleppo province, extending the opposition’s losses in the region after a major regime operation there, a monitor said.The Syrian Democratic...

Russia blasts Turkey’s ‘provocative’ shelling of Kurds in Syria

  Published by Ekurd, 15 February 2016 MOSCOW,— Russia said on Monday that Turkey’s shelling of Kurdish and Syrian regime positions in the north of the country was a “provocative” action. “Moscow expresses its most serious concern about aggressive actions by...