Turkish Winter is Coming – Burak Kadercan

Turkey is collectively losing its mind and may be facing its most dangerous period in decades. Published by War on the rocks on September 23, 2015 Once heralded as a beacon of stability and democratic promise in a region where both have been short in supply, Turkey is...

U.S. says Syrian Kurdistan’s YPG not a terrorist organization

Published by Ekurd Daily on Posted on September 22, 2015 WASHINGTON,— The United States does not consider the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG), the armed wing of the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syrian Kurdistan, a terrorist organization, U.S. State...

How Turkey began the slide towards civil war – Cengiz Gunes

Published by The Conversation, September 16, 2015 The speed with which Turkey has became engulfed in violence since the Suruç massacre on July 20 2015 is causing mass anxiety. While public discussion has largely focused on questions of whose fault it is and why the...