Turkey’s electoral body rejects Kurdish complaint against Erdogan

Ekurd.net- May 6, 2015 ANKARA,— Turkey’s electoral commission has rejected a complaint from the Kurdish opposition that accused President Tayyip Erdogan of breaching the constitution with speeches backing the ruling AK Party ahead of a June election. The decision is...

Syrian Kurdistan’s PYD officially at UN talks

Ekurd.net – May 6, 2015 GENEVA,— UN special Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura has begun talks with Syrian opposition forces in Geneva as part of efforts to reach a solution to the crisis in the country. The PYD (Democratic Union Party) of Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava),...

The Kurdish region Rojava in Syria needs help!

Appeal: Support a Democratic Experiment The events in Syria are an embarrassing human disaster. For four years, we have witnessed the attempts to brutally crush the liberation movement that had erupted so unexpectedly. Consequently, the social upheavals for rights and...

Kobanê: A City Rising From The Ashes

                The following is an interview with Yavuz Önen, a former President of Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects(TMMOB), and was conducted by Yusuf Gürsucu for Özgür Gündem. It has been translated into...