News from Kurdistan

Humanitarian Crisis Looming for Turkey’s Kurds in Mahmur Camp, Iraq By Amy L. Beam, Ed.D: ‘Islamic State’ Invades Another Kurdish Town On August 7, 2014, at 6 PM, the town of Mahmur Camp <> , established 20 years ago by...

Oproep : Dringende hulp voor Regio Shengal (Sinjar)

IBAN BE35 8538 5112 7037, BIC SPAABE22 van het Koerdisch Instituut vzw, met vermelding SHENGAL + ROJAVA Shengal (Sinjar), een heilige stad voor Ezidi (of Yezidi) Koerden in het noorden van Irak, werd enkele dagen geleden bezet door de zwaar bewapende bendes van de...

Fierce clashes in Til Kocher and Rabiah

Clashes between YPG fighters and ISIS gangs which began yesterday morning are continuing in Til Kocher and Rabiah. While YPG forces have bombarded the positions of the ISIS gangs with mortars and rockets since the morning, the Iraqi Army has hit the positions of ISIS...

Human tragedy on Sinjar mountains

People in Sinjar have fled their homes and taken their way to Sinjar mountains following the occupation of city by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) gangs on 3 August. At least six child have died of thirst in the mountains where people can reach no food or...