Stand up for Dunya

Lawen Azad – 28 May 2014   The events in Syria, the abhorrent actions of Boko Haram, the increasing violence in Ukraine are just a few headlines that have summoned our attention of late. But now, Kurds in Southern Kurdistan under the protection of the...

Turkey’s Kurdish oil gamble

Rather than assume regional leadership and help resolve the oil dispute between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has done just the opposite. Ankara’s sale of Kurdish crude without Baghdad’s authorization...

ISIS Massacres In Serêkaniyê

(ANF) Forces attached to the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham have assaulted a number of villages near Serêkaniyê today, where they carried out a series of massacres early this morning. According to preliminary information at least 15 people were killed, including women...

U.N. council mulls authorizing cross-border Syria aid access

Friday, 30 May 2014 hawarnews UNITED NATIONS –U.N. Security Council members are considering a draft resolution to authorize cross-border aid deliveries into Syria at four points without government consent, diplomats said on Thursday, after an earlier council demand...
Wars Within Wars, By Jonathan Spyer

Wars Within Wars, By Jonathan Spyer

In northern Syria, the Kurds try to carve out a territory  and fend off the jihadists Kobani, Syrian Kurdish Region With Syrian presidential elections scheduled for June, the incumbent and shoo-in for reelection, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, is campaigning on the...