Invitation for the 2017 Newroz Celebrations

Brussels, february 9, 2017 Dear Friends, We would like to cordially invite you to join us for the Newroz (Kurdish New Year) that will take place in Diyarbakir, Van, Mardin and other kurdish and turkish cities, between March 17 and 22, 2017. Newroz, the spring equinox,...

Ez mafê xwe dizanim! I know my rights!

Ez mafê xwe dizanim! I know my rights! Manual on human rights education and the right to mother tongue education Based on the experiences of Kurdish youth workers and Kurdish language teachers in Turkey This manual is the result of the Erasmus+-project “Ez mafê xwe...

Long March from Luxembourg to Strasbourg on day 7

Published by ANF on February 7, 2017 Participants of the Long March that launched in Luxembourg with the demand of freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and status for Kurdistan aim to reach the town of Sarre-Union in Bas-Rhin province today in the seventh day of the action....