Turkish bodyguards take Washington by force – Fehim Tastekin

Published by Al-Monitor 3 April 2016 Up until a couple of years ago, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a leader much in demand by foreign statesmen. And it wasn’t just Erdogan who was in demand: Prestigious think tanks used to mobilize to host Turkish...

Letter from Mehmet Tunç’s daughter Nalin

This article was posted on ANF on 15 March 2016. “After my father and those who were killed there, I made a decision. I will carry on the struggle my father gave his life for. And I will never give up.” Nalin Tunç, the daughter of Cizre People’s Assembly...

Stop the criminalisation of the Kurdish movement

33 Kurds are currently being prosecuted by the Belgian courts. What heinous crime are they supposed to have committed? They spoke out for the Kurdish cause and promoted Kurdish culture. At the behest of the Turkish state innocent people are criminalised in Belgium for...

Turkey ‘shooting dead’ Syrian refugees as they flee civil war

Published by The Independent 31 March 2016 Turkish security forces have shot dead refugees escaping from the Syrian conflict, according to reports. UK-based monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights alleged 16 people seeking sanctuary in Turkey have...

Rojava: A safe haven in the middle of Syria’s brutal war – CNN

Published by CNN 30 March 2016 (CNN) As world leaders grapple with how to end the Syrian war, most people in the west are struggling to look beyond the bombs, destruction and refugee crisis to understand the tangle of alignments that is Syria. What is often hidden...

Rojava’s Declaration of Federalism (Opinion)

Published on Rudaw on 31 March 2016. Written by David Romano. On March 17 the leaders or Rojava’s three cantons – Kurds, Christians, Arabs, Turkmen and others – declared themselves a federal region within Syria. The declaration was unsurprisingly condemned by Turkey,...