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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Yezidi parliamentarian: Help my people

Yezidi Kurdish MP in the Baghdad Parliament, Fayyan Dahel, said yesterday that ISIS gangs in Sinjar have slaughtered Yezidis, calling on the parliament to take action. The Iraqi Parliament, which assembled in order to elect a new Prime Minister, witnessed the anguish...

It should by now be clear beyond doubt for spectators within the international community that there is indeed a struggle in the Middle-east carried out on one side by people that are demanding democracy, freedom and the right to a decent life and on the other side by...

Oproep : Dringende hulp voor Regio Shengal (Sinjar)

IBAN BE35 8538 5112 7037, BIC SPAABE22 van het Koerdisch Instituut vzw, met vermelding SHENGAL + ROJAVA Shengal (Sinjar), een heilige stad voor Ezidi (of Yezidi) Koerden in het noorden van Irak, werd enkele dagen geleden bezet door de zwaar bewapende bendes van de...

Fierce clashes in Til Kocher and Rabiah

Clashes between YPG fighters and ISIS gangs which began yesterday morning are continuing in Til Kocher and Rabiah. While YPG forces have bombarded the positions of the ISIS gangs with mortars and rockets since the morning, the Iraqi Army has hit the positions of ISIS...

Human tragedy on Sinjar mountains

People in Sinjar have fled their homes and taken their way to Sinjar mountains following the occupation of city by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) gangs on 3 August. At least six child have died of thirst in the mountains where people can reach no food or...

ISIS abducts women in Sinjar

It is reported that ISIS gangs have abducted many people in Sinjar and taken them hostage. According to information from local sources, at least 11 women have been taken hostage by the ISIS gangs. Male (most of them are elderly) hostages are also being held in a...

Call for Urgent Prevention of Human Tragedy in Sinjar Region

Sinjar (Shengal), a town considered sacred by Ezidi Kurds, has been occupied by ISIS gangs since the night of 2nd of August. When the gangs entered the town of Sinjar and hung up their black flags, the people were fleeing for fear of massacre. The occupation of the...