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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

For Assyrians in Iraq it is a Genocide, By James Rayis

2014-08-04 An Islamic fighter covers the Cross of an Assyrian church in Sinjar with the black flag of ISIS.(AINA) -- Earlier this month, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, through his spokesman, condemned "the recent upsurge of violence in Iraq at the hands of...

ISIS attack in Zakho area: 9 peshmerga killed

Jabhat al-Nusra, Al Qaeda ISIS gangs ambushed a group of Peshmerga in the village of Sihêla near Zakho yesterday, killing 9 of them. The YPG (people’s protection units) then intervened, killing a large number of ISIS gang members. As ISIS gangs step up their attacks...

Why is Sinjar important? HALIT ERMIS

With the ISIS gangs' assault on Sinjar attacks on the Kurdish people in Rojava have gained a new dimension. By capturing Sinjar ISIS wants to open a corridor through Tal Afar in order to create a new front for attacks on Rojava. After taking Mosul ISIS gangs launched...

500 Foreign Militants Fighting In Mosul

An Iraqi official in Baghdad has claimed that hundreds of foreign fighters are currently fighting in Mosul in Northern Iraq. The senior Iraqi official who spoke on condition of anonymity said that since the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) captured Mosul and...

ISIS Kills 30 Yazidis In Sinjar, Sa’ad Bapir

Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) Militants have captured the Yazidi-majority town of Sinjar, north of Mosul, and the extremist group starts killing Yazidis. According to a BasNews correspondent in Sinjar, ISIS Militants has so far killed 30 Yazidis for not...

Angry Kurdistan Yazidi Protests In Erbil

Yazidis from Iraqi Kurdistan have taken part in three protests against the recent actions of Islamic State (IS) Militants against Yazidis in Sinjar. On Monday, tens of Kurdish Yazidis protested in front of the Kurdistan Parliament in Erbil the capital of Iraqi...

About 200,000 People Flee Sinjar, Sa’ad Bapir

Since Sunday when Islam State (IS) captured Sinjar the Yazidi-majority city from the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, about 200,000 people have fled the district. Local residents and eyewitnesses told BasNews that most of the people fled to Sinjar Mountain, and others are...

Helen Ghassemlou’s reminiscences of her life with Abdul Rahman

German version newly available – Survey of other translations The project took three years, but at the beginning of August 2014 the German translation of Helen’s/Nasrin’s memoirs was finally published by LIT Verlag in Vienna/Austria. Unfortunately the book could not...

Eine Religiöse Minderheit wird vernichtet!

Pressemitteilung der Vereinigung der Eziden in Siegen e.V. zur Situation der Eziden in Shingal/Irak. Die Isisi greift seit heute Mitternacht die Eziden in Shingal/Nordirak an. Seit dem sind Tausende Eziden auf der Flucht. Die Mehrheit von denen ist ohne Nahrung und...