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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Interview with YPG commander Miss. Meryem Kobane

In a new report <>  from Özgür Gündem, Ersin Çaksu interviews Meryem Kobanê, the General Commander of the YPJ in the Kobanê...

GoPetition : Imminent Humanitarian Crisis in Kobani-Syria

Since 1950s consecutive governments in Syria including the current regime have been systematically violating human rights and committing ethnic cleansing, humiliating and discriminatory measures against Kurds. Under the Ba’ath’s rule, Syrian authorities continued to...

Kurdishinfo.Com : News & Information About Kurds and Kurdistan

INDEX •    Lift The Ban on PKK! Show Your Support By Joining The Signature Campaign! •    KCK calls on people to vote for Demirtas •    KNK condemns expulsion of Christians from Mosul •    Syriacs call for joint struggle against ISIS savagery •    Woman from Rojava...

Solidaires avec les chrétiens d’Irak

Appel à la communauté internationale pour sauver les chrétiens d'Irak Depuis quelques semaines – et particulièrement ces derniers jours –, une population entière de chrétiens d’Irak fait l’objet d’une extermination ethnique et religieuse déclarée, au nom de l’islam,...


Peace in Kurdistan Campaign today received a new batch of postcards ready to be sent by YOU to Theresa May at the Home Office. The postcard was specially designed and includes text on the back that urges her to delist the PKK from the list of terrorist organisations....

More people flee to South Kurdistan

The UNHCR is to set up new refugee camps to accommodate the thousands of mainly Turkmen and Arab residents fleeing the savagery of ISIS gangs in the cities of Mosul and Tal Afar to the Federal Kurdistan Region. While there was a quiet Eid at the Khazir camp 25...

After Mosul, now Baghdad’s Christians targeted

Following the mass exodus of Christians and Shabak and Yezidi Kurds from Mosul after it was captured by ISIS, faith groups living in Baghdad are now under threat. Observers are concerned that due to the large number of Christians who have fled to the Federal Kurdistan...