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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

A civilisation disappearing in Iraq

Christians who were allowed to leave Mosul by ISIS gangs on the condition that they left all their property behind, have migrated en masse to the cities of Hewler (Erbil) and Duhok in South Kurdistan. There is concern that if things continue in this way there will...

Turkey: Social Media Campaign against Jewish Writer Mario Levi

PEN International condemns a social media campaign started earlier this week to boycott the work of Turkish-Jewish writer and PEN Turkey board member Mario Levi. Levi s novels have been included on a list of  Israeli products to boycott  that has been circulated on...

Karkamish Camp is ISIS Training Centre: IHD

ANF - ANKARA 25.07.2014 The Turkish Human Rights Association (IHD) has issued a report today that says the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is using Turkey as a logistic base, citing claims that a camp near the Karkamish dam is being used as a training...

KNK condemns expulsion of Christians from Mosul

ANF - BRUSSELS 25.07.2014 The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) has issued a statement condemning the savagery and threats of ISIS that have led to minority groups such as Christians and Yezidi and Shabak Kurds fleeing the city of Mosul in northern Iraq and taking...

HSM: Turkish army violates ceasefire conditions

ANF - BEHDINAN 24.07.2014 Releasing a written statement about the military activity and tension on Ceylanpınar border on 21 July, People's Defense Centre (HSM) Headquarters Command said that the Turkish army ambushed a guerrilla unit in Ceylanpınar (Serêkaniye)...

Sinjar villagers arming against ISIS

ANF - SINJAR 22.07.2014 ISIS gangs attacking the village of Guhbel in the Yezidi region of Sinjar in South Kurdistan have been forced to retreat by the resistance of the villagers. Local residents have armed themselves to protect their homes and fields and begun to...

Lift the ban on the PKK-Freedom and justice for the Kurds

As you know, Peace in Kurdistan Campaign has been advocating for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to be removed from Turkish and international terrorist lists for many years, and since last year has been jointly running a signature campaign to gather public support...

Definition of the Kurdish Question in the Middle East

      After the First World War, the modern system of nation-states emerged in the Middle East. TheKurds lost the semi-autonomous status that they had enjoyed during the Ottoman times. This process was engineered by the great European powers led by the...