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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Syria – The Kurdish Perspective on the Conflict and How to End It

Syria – The Kurdish Perspective on the Conflict and How to End It

A report of a political briefing hosted by Green Party peer, Baroness Jenny Jones, held in Westminster on 2 July and organised by Peace in Kurdistan Campaign. The keynote speakers were a senior delegation of leading representatives from Rojava, Syria: namely, Saleh...

Take Action: Demand Medical Care for Kurdish Prisoner In Iran

Amnesty International is encouraging people to take action on behalf of Zeynab Jalalian, a Kurdish prisoner who was sentenced to death by Kermanshah Revolutionary Court, a verdict that was later changed to to life in prison ”Zeynab Jalalian has had eye problems for a...

Turkey’s Armenian opening: towards 2015

The approaching centenary of the genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman empire is a moment for Turkey's civil society to create a new ethical reality around the issue he centenary of the Armenian genocide in 1915 is fast approaching. Much attention will shift towards...

Interview: Roj TV, ECHR and Wikileaks

In July 2013, I penned a piece about the trial of the Kurdish TV-station Roj TV at the Supreme Court in Denmark and its alleged links to PKK. I wrote about the dubious grounds that the final verdict was based upon and how I found it to be marred by a political agenda;...

Interview with Saleh Muslim: “Turkey turns blind eye to ISIS”

The mind-boggling gains of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in Iraq have caused tremors in the region. Among questions most heard nowadays is whether the Middle East map will be redrawn and where Turkey will be in that. Another question often voiced is the...


Middle East Diplomatic, Brussels 13 June 2014 - Iraq, which was created artificially after First World War according the secret Sykes–Picot game, shaped and “united” with force under the despot Saddam Hussein by using ethnical and religious cleansing and genocides,...

Behind the Lines: An ‘Islamic state’ is born – Jonathan Spyer

It’s too early to predict the results of the dramatic ISIS offensive in Iraq, but it is clear that the country is now in the midst of a full-blown sectarian war. In a stunning and deeply significant development, the fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria...