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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.

The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.

Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) : International Appeal

We support the peace efforts initiated towards ending the war in Syria. This war has been going on for almost three years, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people, the displacement of millions more and the destruction of the country. To achieve an end to this conflict, we hope that the Geneva II Conference to be held on 22 January 2014 will result in a peaceful and permanent solution.


The Geneva II conference on Syria¹s future is going to be held on the 22th of January. This conference is supposed to play a role in forming the new Syria. Particularly, an agreement between USA, Russia, and France is expected. But another fact is that the viewpoints of the regime and those of the opposition are too far off to reconcile. With their major focus being on power struggle they seem to be too far from helping with the solution.

Kurds want to take part in the Geneva II conference as an independent and democratic opposition force.


The Geneva II conference on Syria¹s future is going to be held on the 22th

of January. This conference is supposed to play a role in forming the new

Syria. Particularly, an agreement between USA, Russia, and France is

expected. But another fact is that the viewpoints of the regime and those of

the opposition are too far off to reconcile. With their major focus being on

power struggle they seem to be too far from helping with the solution.

However, the Kurds who prefer democratization and social development to any

power and hegemony struggle are being hindered form taking part in Geneva II

as an independent factor. Such an attitude reduces the hope for this

conference to take positive steps towards peace and democratization in


The National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria – NCB

Statement to the Syrian people

The Paris-based international and regional meetings have ended in the last few days emphasising the need to hold the Geneva Conference about Syria on the scheduled date, 22 January 2014. Everyone has called the Syrian National Coalition to meet the call for this Conference, yet the United States and Britain has threatened to cut their aid in the event of the Coalition deciding not to attend. The United Nations and both State sponsors – the Russian Federation and the United States – demanded that the Coalition form a balanced delegation of the Syrian opposition in Geneva under the umbrella of the Coalition. The National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria – NCB was informed of this on 13 January 2014 on receiving a copy of the letter of invitation that was addressed to the President of the Syrian National Coalition. There has also been a lot of Arab and International contact.

Kurdish protesters claim anti-terror police confiscated their cash

Kurdish protesters detained overnight at Dover on their way to a demonstration in Paris have claimed that their wallets were all but emptied by Metropolitan police officers under controversial anti-terror laws.

Owen Bowcott (The Guardian), Thursday 16 January 2014